January Blues and how to beat them!

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Posted by: Kerri
Posted on: 08/01/2024

Returning back to normality after the festive season can be tough. You may be feeling tired, fed up, unmotivated and disengaged – but don’t despair, the good news is that there are a number of things that you can do to help bring you out of your January Blues.


  • Eat Well

No, this does not necessarily mean diving headlong into a new diet!! Denying yourself the foods that you love and putting extra pressure on yourself to stick to a strict regime could ultimately have the opposite effect on trying to improve your low mood.

However, it has been proven that eating excessive amounts of sugar can have a negative impact on mood, and let’s face it, we all are probably guilty of eating one too many mince pies over the festive season!

Eating smaller portions throughout the day, avoiding sugary foods and increasing your daily intake of fruit and veg will all help to boost your energy levels.


  • Spring Clean Your Life!

Yes, spring still feels like an eternity away, but now is the perfect time to tackle those jobs that you might have been putting off.

Does a room need de-cluttering, do your finances need re-evaluating, is it time to research new service providers? Whatever it may be, you are guaranteed to feel more energised by ticking one or two things off your to do list.


  • Don’t Set New Years Resolutions?

On day one resolutions seem like a great idea, but as time passes the initial enthusiasm can sometimes fade. You may then begin to put pressure on yourself (or feel it from others) to achieve your goals and ultimately if you break your resolutions, you could be left feeling defeated.

However, resolutions are not always a bad thing and can sometimes be just what you need to keep you focused in the new year. If you decide on setting some, consider whether they can realistically be achieved and actually result in you feeling great about your achievement!


  • Do What You Love

Nothing makes us feel better than doing the things we love, and whilst you might not be able to stretch to a two week get away in Barbados to wash away those January blues, you can focus on the smaller things in life that make you happy. Whether it be a walk in the countryside, spending time with your family or just cosying up with hot chocolate and a good movie, don’t lose sight of the things that you love to do – and make them happen!


  • Have Something To Look Forward To

A study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology concluded that having something to look forward to has a positive impact on stress levels, so why not organise that well overdue catch up, book that mini break you’ve been dreaming about, try out the new restaurant in town or learn that new skill you’ve always wanted to do.


  • Get Some Exercise

Everyone knows that exercising releases brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed and you don’t have to sign up to your local marathon to achieve this! A simple 30 minute brisk walk or jog will help you feel more positive and ready to face the world.

If you can pair exercise with getting some fresh air, it’s a double win, try and make the most of those winter sunlight hours and boost your vitamin D intake.


  • Connect With Others

Social interaction has been scientifically proven to be a basic human need, make sure you spend time with those people who make you feel good. Enjoy a natter over a cup of coffee, reminisce about past memories, make plans for the future, laugh at the fun things in life, share a problem, offer advice.

Whatever the conversation is, remember that ‘it’s good to talk’.


  • You Are Not Alone

Finally, although it can very much feel like it, remember that you are not alone in feeling the January blues. Feeling a little low after the Christmas and New Year celebrations is very normal, with people being affected to different degrees. Using some of the tips above should get you feeling more upbeat in no time and ready to face 2024 head on.


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