Why cyber security is relevant to you – and why you need to take it seriously.

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Posted on: 14/03/2018

cyber security

Any business can be attacked, and attacks are on the rise. New rules on data security will help businesses protect themselves, but what are they and why should your business care?

What happened in 2017?

2017 was a big year for data breaches, particularly for the care industry. Dominating the headlines was the NHS cyber-attack, which caused one in three NHS Trusts in the UK to have their data accessed by complete strangers. The breach affected over 70,000 devices, including computers, MRI scanners, blood storage refrigerators and theatre equipment.

The ransomware used in the attack not only interfered with confidential data but also in the running of the business with delayed appointments, inaccessible medical records and valuable time lost as a result. The breech cost the NHS £180,000 on temporary emergency measures alone, with overall costs expected to exceed £1m.

Why smaller companies are at risk

When it comes to data security, it’s not just larger companies and organisations that are at risk. In fact, smaller organisations have a greater risk of cyber-attack.

Smaller companies are particularly targeted because they usually have weaker security and are more susceptible to insider attacks and mishandling of data, including lost devices, having no malware protection and relying on simple and easy-to-guess passwords.

In the care industry, you already know the importance of keeping data and information confidential and secure. Without efficient protection, data breaches and cyber-attacks will not only give hackers access to valuable and confidential care data but can also cost small businesses anywhere between £65,000-£115,000, according to Price Waterhouse Coopers.

To protect against future attacks, new EU legislative framework is changing to the General Data Protection Regulation. But what is it, and how does this impact your cyber security?

5 Ways GDPR is changing your cyber security

GDPR is designed to give control over their personal data back to citizens and residents. Incorporating more severe consequences than existing data protection laws, GDPR aims to strengthen data protection against cyber-attacks.

Here’s 5 ways that GDPR will impact your cyber security.

  1. GDPR will affect any business that holds any personal data from EU citizens – changing the way that data is managed.
  2. Fundamentally, GDPR will change the way that this data is managed, giving users complete control. This allows them to decide how much of their data they want to share and how they want it to be used.
  3. As well as controlling how much data is shared, users will also have the right to delete their data at any time, completely removing themselves from your systems.
  4. Under GDPR, companies will need to report any security violations within 72 hours.
  5. Enforced by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), any company that violates GDPR or suffers a data breach will be liable for costly fines of up to €20m or four per cent of global turnover, whichever is greater.

How QS Recruitment are keeping your data secure

Knowing the importance of keeping data secure in the care industry, data protection is one of our top priorities at QS recruitment. You can trust us to handle your data with you in mind, by working with Air IT and using technologically-advanced hardware and software. We ensure that we have all of the relevant GDPR policies in place and a board level commitment, underpinned by a robust and secure system, so you can rest assured that your data is protected.


Anyone can be attacked. That’s why it’s important to ensure that your company keeps confidentiality using the best protection available for your system. AT QS, we don’t just protect your data, we want to help you protect yours. Our IT partner, AIR-IT, offer valuable and impartial advice, and, to ensure your security, are offering a free consultation to any of our clients. For added peace of mind, take control of your cyber security by taking advantage of this free consultation. Book now.

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